Fall Boise Storage Tips To Prepare For Winter

Boise storage

Spring isn’t the only time to get organized. Fall is the perfect time to declutter your home and get ready for the winter. As much as we try to keep things organized, there’s always a variety of items we don’t use during certain seasons. Why not put those items in storage to make some extra space in your home until next spring/summer?

That’s why Lockaway Storage would like to provide you with the following Boise storage tips to free up valuable space this winter.

Swap Out Seasonal Items

A simple way to free up space is to swap out your spring and summer wardrobes for warmer items. Take the time to sort through your clothes and decide if it’s time to either donate or throw them away. This includes old, worn out clothes. Once you’ve decided what you want to keep, pack your summer wardrobe away in heavy plastic containers to protect them from damage during their winter stay in your Boise storage unit.

Organize Outdoors

Remember that there are a number of outdoor items that need your attention before the weather turns cold. This includes porch, patio or deck furniture. Protect them from winter damage by safely storing them in your Boise storage unit. Also, consider storing outdoor maintenance items like garden tools, hoses, and other equipment. These things can take up valuable space in your garage that you might need for shovels, snow blowers, salt, and other winter tools.  

Factor Garage Space

While it’s common to turn your garage into a summer storage space, you’ll want to remember that once the snow hits, you’ll want that space to park your vehicles. If you make room for this space now, you’ll be very happy that you did.

Store items at your Boise storage unit that you won’t need until next spring/summer like bikes, pool equipment, gardening tools, patio furniture, etc. With bigger items out of the way, you’ll make room for your car and other winter necessities.

Boise Storage For All Seasons

Each season provides us with the opportunity to organize and declutter our homes to prepare for the next. While you can utilize a Boise storage unit at any time of the year, the hard Idaho weather of winter makes it especially important to protect your belongings. Whether you need a small walk-in closet sized storage or something larger, the on-site managers at Lockaway Storage will be more than happy to help you select a unit size that’s right for you. Contact us at (208) 322-4487 today!


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